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Divorce Therapy

Divorce is by nature a life altering event.  Most people think of conflict and heartbreak when imagining divorce. Unfortunately, this is often the case, causing anxiety and stress for the entire family.  I offer many different approaches to help make divorce a better process.  One approach is for couples to come to therapy to mindfully discuss their relationship and determine if divorce is the right course of action.  Divorce Discernment Counseling is one way to achieve this goal.  It is not the only option, as some couples may not be on the brink of divorce and would like to explore how to save the relationship.  As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I am trained to work with the entire family to promote healthy change for everyone.

I also work with individuals while they are going through the divorce process. Divorce is always ranked in the top five of stressful live events and support is needed during this time.  Divorce is a process of learning how to adjust to living differently with new homes, new roles and many challenges along the way.  Individual therapy allows for support while navigating these new situations.  Divorce therapy is also the time to process the loss of the marriage, grieve for this loss and learn how to move forward in a chosen way. 

For those who are actively considering divorce, please read my blog on Collaborative Divorce in Wisconsin.  It offers an opportunity to create the right plan for your family.