Infidelity is emotionally painful and can even cause a trauma response which requires special attention in order to recover. An affair does not have to mean the end of your relationship; but instead, a path to a better relationship can be discovered and cultivated through therapy.
In today’s world there are many forms of infidelity, including but not limited to the physical affair. Emotional affairs, online relationships and activity, and even pornography use often make the list. The definition of infidelity varies widely. What's considered infidelity is different among couples and even between spouses at times.
3 Stages of Affair Recovery
Crisis Stage
When infidelity is discovered or disclosed it sends the couple on an emotional roller coaster ride. The swings are wide and the emotions experienced can be confusing. It is important not to make any major decisions during this time. This is the stage to begin therapy with someone who specializes in infidelity recovery.
Making Meaning Stage
it is important to understand the why’s behind an affair in order for the couple to move on from the pain and understand what needs to change. Conversations about unmet needs, resentments that have built and desires to experience something different are the ones that occur in this stage.
Future Planning Stage
Couples may not know if they wish to remain together. In fact, the process of therapy will help determine the outcome. It is important for the couple to identify values that they wish to incorporate into their relationship. Creating a new relationship filled with erotic and emotional intimacy can be done.
In each stage above through couples counseling, restoring trust is paramount. It’s a complex process that requires more than just time. A plan to restore trust will be made and updated throughout the recovery process.
Take the first step today.
Ready to start the healing process through couples counseling? Contact us today to get started.